Saying Goodbye to Church Friends

I have talked a lot about our excitement about the new adventure in Colorado, but I have not talked too much about saying goodbye to dear friends. David and I are members of a special group of people who meet each Sunday night to eat together, study the Bible and share our lives. They gave us a church-wide going away party. I'm not sure why this picture turned out so small (I'm still learning) but on the table is a very special photo taken by our long time friend Lance White of our "Life Group."
Not only was this cake delicious, but it says it all. This is our Life Group's Motto.
Another small picture (sorry). At the end of the evening, we did one of the things that we enjoy doing the most. We sang songs of praise together. What a blessing our church home has been to our lives. We will be looking for a church home in Colorado that will walk beside us in the good times and the bad.


You are missed and won't be replaceable. Hurry home for a visit.
Miss G said…
What a special evening and wonderful group of friends! Kelly

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