Family Reunion Worship

Day 4 of our Family Reunion fell on a Sunday!
Our big family has been blessed with
unity of faith in our wonderful God.
We decided to worship together in the beautiful
Garden of the Gods.
(One of my nieces said we should
rename the park Garden of THE GOD for today--
pretty profound thought!)
We sang, prayed and heard stories
of both family legacy and a legacy of faith
while we worshiped our God in
his beautiful creation.

Wish you could have been with us!

Thank you Adrian, one of our newer
family members, for this great group photo!


I bet this was the Peak of the weekend--how awesome! Better than Pikes Peak!
Anonymous said…
The majesty of His creations is breathtaking. There is something about worshiping on the mountain top that one must experience to appreciate. It appears that this glorious weekend was filled with love, joy and faith. These sweet memories will be enjoyed for a lifetime.

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