Favorite Books for Young Children

Because I teach Children's Literature to graduate students, I am often asked by parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, friends, etc. for suggestions for good books for the children in their lives. That is a very hard questions for me because there are so many wonderful books out there. In this post, I will tell you some of the books that I like. Keep in mind that books are very personal and what your child likes might not match up with my suggestions.
But here goes.......
Pictured above is one of my very favorites, Come Along Daisy because it was the first book that Caleb READ! He loved the book so we read it over and over and over again. When he was about a year and a half, it dawned on me that if I would read along and leave out words, he would fill in the blanks. He Was Reading!!!!

The following photos are courtesy of Titlewave.com
Eric Carle is a wonderful author/illustrator. You can't go wrong with his books.
There are several more books in this series! If You Give a Moose a Muffin, If You Give a Pig a Pancake, etc. One of my little friends, Michael, would always come to my office and want the entire series read to him. Michael, I understand that you are now reading all by yourself. Great job!
This is a hilarious book. You will enjoy it as much as your child does. Hans Christian Andersen, famous writer, believed that you should write so that both parents and their children would stay interested.
Mo Willems is a hilarious author.
Every parent should be able to identify with this book!
One of Caleb's current favorites (he's two and a half as he will proudly tell you.)
Wonderful illustrations!
Kevin Henkes has written many great books for young children.
Very creative book!
This book is by the same author, Laura Seeger, as First the Egg.
My favorite page in this book says, "Ladybugs are little, Ladies are BIG!"
Who says?????? That line cracks our family up!
Well deserving of the Caldecott Medal for best picture book.
Another great one by Eric Carle.
This is an old, old book, but still popular with the little ones.
And last, but certainly not least, Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?

I have told you some of my favorite books for young readers. If you would like to find more great books, I suggest that click HERE to find lists of Notable Children's Books for all ages.

I will have future posts for other types of children's books.


curlycue81 said…
No Chicka Chicka Boom Boom...I want to go and read the squirrel book...that looks cute.

Thanks for sharing...Melanie
Deborah said…
I've never heard of "Scaredy Squirrel" but I'm really thinking about heading over to Amazon.com to see about getting it.

I have a MAJOR book-buying addiction...

There are worse things, right?!
Thanks for the great ideas! I keep wondering if there are books here in London that I should buy because they might not be available in the US. Do you know of a top 10 list of books published in the UK?
Anonymous said…
I am glad to know that I have most of those books in my classroom library. Now I know who to come to for more great suggestions!

Ashley Almanza
BR said…
My sister in law is a children's librarian and I'm always on the lookout to find a book she doesn't have or will value. One of my favorite Christmas gifts to give her was a copy of Brown Bear, Brown Bear. As you probably know, the original text featured a mother at the end of the story, but the mother was replaced with a teacher in later editions. Well I happened upon a copy of Brown Bear, Brown Bear that featured the mother at the end of the story and with three little boys of her own, I knew my sister-in-law would be excited -- her reaction on Christmas morning, when she was enthusiastically reading her "new" book to her sons was all I hoped it would be when she got to the last page!

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