Blessings and Tulips

I'm sorry I haven't posted recently
but April was a little bit hectic
in the Gibson household.
As most of you know, we were blessed with 2 new
grandbabies and a new home
(all in the space of one month).
At the closing of our home, the previous owner told me
that in about 3 weeks, we would have tulips in our flowerbed.
That thrilled me since tulips are some of
my favorite flowers.
This photo is a little blurry, because the Colorado
wind is blowing so hard it is hard to get a close up photo.

Aren't they beautiful?


Jenni said…
they are beautiful.....and I spent last evening with more beauty - your daughter and grandson! so much fun (even if D did spit up royally on me!)
I love tulips! I planted them in Chicago and enjoyed every day they were up. I'm looking forward to some pictures of your new house, and of course, new pictures of Aaron and David.
curlycue81 said…
Tulips are my favorite flower...those look beautiful. Hope you enjoy your new house and two new grandbabies...
Miss G said…
They are soo beautiful! So happy to see them! Kelly

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