How Does Your Garden Grow?

Those of you who read this blog know that I am not a
successful gardener.
But check out that giant sunflower.
I planted the seeds
the day before my surgery on May 6th.
It took them quite a while to grow, but grow they did.
Aren't they beautiful?

God asks us to be patient for the important
things in life. I am learning that lesson
in this season of my life.

And isn't that little redhead on my lap
beautiful (handsome) as well?
Isn't it amazing how our hair is the same color?


Miss G said…
Fun post and you are right about the waiting. Love you. Kel
Anonymous said…
Of course anything of sunflowers I have to comment on. My love of them began about eighteen years ago and is as strong as ever! Praying you are feeling well today with lots of energy.~donna
Hey, I think you're on to something here. Gardening as your new talent--it's got to be easier there than here in Houston. Hope those sunflowers bring you a bit of cheer each day!

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