Eastside Retreat 2011

I am blessed to be in a community
of faith called Eastside Church of Christ.
This weekend, we had our annual
Ladies' Retreat.
We spent time praising God together.
We played games.
We got to know each other better.
Michelle did an amazing job of organizing the event.
On Friday night we thought about how our lives are like
a quilt and we made a quilt to hang on the wall.
On the quilt we wrote our hopes for the retreat.
A great number of women hoped for new or deeper
relationships and friendships.
We ate together.
I felt so blessed to be asked to speak.
Notice the words on the screen taken
from the book of Esther.
We discussed how we are each
gifted by God to serve the people
we come in contact with each day.

What a great weekend we had together!

Thank you Vanessa Leonard for the photos!


Miss G said…
Michelle wore the necklace! Love it! Looks like a wonderful weekend! Kelly
Another retreat--another great memory, it seems. They were very lucky to have you as their speaker.
Mindy S. said…
Your sweet children's minister was a friend of ours when we were in Little Rock. Would you give her a hug for me? :-) I am glad that you have found a wonderful church home in Colorado. That is the hardest part of moving I think.
Allison said…
What a wonderful time! I would have loved to hear your words about God's message from Esther!!

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