Children's Lit Book Reviews Tuesday and The Mouse and the Motorcycle

Yes, I usually review new books, but there is
a special reason that I am reviewing these
two "old" books today.
Tuesday by David Weisner is a good book,
well actually probably a great book since it won
the coveted Caldecott Medal in 1991.
But I have never cared for the book very much.
I gravitate toward the books with messages, books
that I can relate to and I just have trouble
relating to frogs flying through the air on lilly pads.
That is, until, Thursday of this week.
I pulled this book from my bookshelf
to read to Caleb. I thought he might enjoy it
since he is into humor these days and this
almost wordless book has great potential for humor
Caleb LOVED it!
Caleb and Nana laughed uproariously as
we read the book over and over and over again!
The lesson for Nana: Books are very personal things.
Just because you love it, doesn't mean everyone will love it.
And just because you don't like it, it
to your kids and grandkids anyway.
It just might become
a family favorite.
I got a phone call from Caleb (and his daddy) the other night!
Caleb was so excited and all I could hear understand through
all the excitement in his voice was "motorcycle".
I said, "You rode a motorcycle???"
thinking in my head, I am going to kill his daddy
for letting a 4 year old ride a motorcycle.
Jeremy must have read my mind because
he very quickly got on the phone and explained
that he and Caleb had just read the first 3 chapters of
Caleb's very FIRST chapter book.
I couldn't help remembering when I had read
The Mouse and the Motorcycle by Beverly Cleary
to Kelly and Jeremy when they were little
(though not as little as Caleb).
What wonderful family traditions books can be.
book titles courtesy of


So a question for the reading expert. Jordan does not want me to read to her--she always insists that she read the book to me, and she creates a wonderful story as she turns the pages, but I'm grieving because I want to be reading to her!!! What does that say about her, that she wants to do all the reading, and not be read to? I'm thinking it's a creative thing for her, and I will just have to enjoy hearing her stories until she lets me have my turn someday, but I"m wondering what an expert thinks!

Miss G said…
such fun experiences! Kelly

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