No, David

If you are not familiar with David Shannon's picture books, you owe it to yourself to check them out. He has written several about a little boy named David who is always getting into trouble but who is always loved. Since I have two David's in my life, I love these books.
All book covers courtesy of

As you can probably tell, the picture below is NOT a book cover, but a little stuffed David doll.
After Sophie and Caleb were playing in my office, I found David stuck in the inkwell of my antique school desk. Looks like David got in trouble yet again.


Miss G said…
I hope my David will not look or act like this one. :)
Those Davids look quite adorable, but not as cute as your real ones!

Deborah said…
My boys LOVE the "David" series. I think it's because David gets to do all the things they wish they could do!
Anonymous said…
My first graders LOVE these books and they are easy for them to read along with me during shared reading time!

~Ashley Almanza

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