A Dream Come True

I have always dreamed of having a front porch where I could sit and enjoy nature.
Our new house has a front porch.
And Colorado Springs has a Cracker Barrel
so I got two beautiful white rocking chairs!

And look what I found at a garage sale for $20.00. A miniature Cracker Barrel rocker. It's not white but it does rock well and will be perfect for visiting grandchildren.
Come and visit, sit a spell, and enjoy our beautiful weather.


Cheryl Stevens said…
I love your front porch and the rocking chairs. I am sitting here imagining I am rocking and enjoying the not 95 degree heat.
Karen said…
I know Cheryl. I was in Houston last week and boy was it HOT!
Kimmie said…
Where is your picture of the chair on your back porch?
Miss G said…
It looks peaceful! Your table looks good. You could paint the rocker if you wanted. Love you! Kel
Those look very inviting.....

Happy 4th!


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