Fun Photo Friday #4 READING EDITION

The only "rule" for Fun Photo Friday is
that I scan through my photos and pick
five that I want to share.
No deep thought here.
Today, the first one I saw was the last one in this
post, so I decided to make it a Reading Edition of
Fun Photo Friday.
My sweet Grandson, Caleb, has always been a reader.
He has so many people in his life, most notably his
mom and dad, who have made reading to him
a priority from the time he was born.
Climbing into a bucket of books is sheer joy.
This book was a gift from his great grandparents,
Sweetie and Poppy. What joy because this
was the first book that he "read". When Nana
would leave out the words, Caleb would fill them in.
This was a book project that I did when I was teaching
fourth graders. Each time a student read a book during the
year, they would fill out an index card with the title of the book,
the author, and an illustration.
At the end of the school year, some of my more
industrious little girls hooked each card together
with yarn at the corners, making a reading quilt.
I still have this quilt years later and I don't think
I will ever be able to part with it.
Ahhh Reading! What joy it brings to our lives.


Jordan is here with me and loved seeing the Caleb photos today! They're going to have fun playing together this summer!
Deborah said…
I have just completed my 2009 online scrapbook and couldn't believe how many pictures I took last year of my boys reading together. It just melts a teacher-momma's heart!
Miss G said…
Really fun! I love seeing those piggy toes peeking out from beneath that big ole dog book in the first photo. Did you take the pic of the "reading" magnetic letters? It's neat. love you! kel

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