Kim's Visit

Here are some highlights of my sister Kim's visit.
The first day she was here, we spent quite a bit of time with Caleb. As I am sure the discriminating eye can tell, Kim and Caleb are eating "french fries" (bark mulch) in this photo taken at one of our favorite parks. The priceless picture that I missed was when they were holding hands and praying, telling God "Thank You" for the delicious meal.
Yesterday Kim and I went to Garden of the Gods. We took lots of pictures.

Drinking lots of water is a necessity in this high altitude.

We had an amazing view because it was bright and sunshiny when we arrived and then the clouds rolled in so we got to see the rock formations both in sunlight and shadow.


BR said…
Wow! Gorgeous! The scenery is great too!
I went to Garden of the Gods years ago, but I know I need to go back and revisit it. I bet you and Kim are really enjoying the visit.
Unknown said…
It looks beautiful. I can't wait to see it for myself. Have fun.
Unknown said…
It looks like a beautiful place. I can't wait to see it for myself.
Have fun.
Kimmie said…
God does amazing things! Like blessing people with great older sisters! The rocks are wonderful too! Love you!
Miss G said…
It's beautiful! You guys are beautiful! What fun! I'll bet the French fries tasted good. love you! Kelly

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