Cooking Angel

I made a rash promise to David that when I retired, I would cook every night! What was I thinking? Modern women don't do that, do they?
I have a group of precious "Teacher Friends". Darlene, Carolyn, Pat, Mary, Joyce, Cindy and I taught 4th grade at Moore Elementary for many years and we still get together for dinner, catching up, and lots of laughter every 6 months or so. At our last dinner together before I moved, they gave me this precious kitchen angel. She sits on my new kitchen counter and reminds me of my promise to my sweet husband.
I hope no one checks with David to see how well I have kept that promise.


Joyce Hollis said…
Thanks for sharing your blog with us. I have been thinking of you and wondering if you were settled yet. Your townhome looks beautiful. I know you and Dave are happy to be with Caleb again. I look forward to keeping in touch with you through your blog. Take care.
Did you think they didn't have any good restaurants there? What were you thinking? I must say it is (was) a very noble goal. Good luck with that.
Miss G said…
I like her mixing bowl. You've got great friends. Kelly
BR said…
so what's for dinner? have you ever read about the once a month cooking concept? There are several books available on it and I'm sure there are lots of recipes on the web. I've never done it but have had fun thinking about it!
Karen said…
BR--One of the Once a Month cookbooks came out while Jeremy was in HS about the time that I was working on my Master's and Doctorate. I mentioned that it sounded like a good idea to which my sweet son replied, "You don't need the book Mom. You already just cook once a month." Maybe I should check it out for real. :)

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