Old School Made New Again
Call me crazy (and some people in my family do),
but I absolutely LOVE school buildings.
I have spent a great deal of time in
school buildings since I was 6 years old,
and without revealing my age, just let me
tell you that is a VERY long time.
So imagine my delight, when just a couple
of blocks from my doctor's office
is a school building that was closed
down several years ago and
has now been revitalized into
shops, bakeries, restaurants, and offices.
I stopped by today for a visit.
This was the front of the school. Lincoln Elementary School Established in 1948. Before I was born. This is the second Lincoln Elementary so probably not quite that old. |
The playground is still there behind a chain link fence. |
I'm not sure if this is a new addition or even exactly what this is. Help anyone? |
Check out the "classroom" door with double glass windows. That's so the first grader's mom can peek in to be sure her child has stopped crying. |
There is a beautiful mural on the outside of the school. Again, I had to take a picture through the chain link fence. |
This could be just about any school picture taken years ago. I wonder what these educators and children are doing now. |
The old water fountain is still there. I didn't try it out. I should have. |
A nice view of the outside of the school. |
This picture, in the hallway, was the first school on the site. Notice the "school bus" in front of the school. |
There are places to sit and relax in the original hallway. |
Another view of the Hallway. I wish there had been Fit-Bits back in my schooldays. I could have racked up a lot of steps. |
Another closer view of the front of the school. |
I wonder who rode this great bicycle to school. |