Paris Trip 2018

Our Fearless Leader, Jeana, found some very inexpensive tickets to Paris on Iceland Air.
Three of us answered her call to 
adventure and began planning our trip.
Really, Jeana planned our trip, and 
we were along for the ride of a lifetime. 
No, this is not Paris, but our stop in Iceland.
When we went to retrieve our rental car,
Sylvia, our new friend, advised us that
a blizzard would arrive at 12:00 noon.
So we took off adventuring after a night of flying
and very little sleep.
And, yes, we did get stuck in a huge snowstorm, but our intrepid
(Montana) driver, Jeana maneuvered us through the storm
and even managed to get us out of a snowdrift.
We experience the beautiful snow-covered landscape of Iceland.
I would love to go back in the summer.

Following are just a few highlights of the Paris trip.

The Catacombs of Paris were fascinating.
Imagine seeing some 6 million bones from
an early Parisian cemetery and learning how
this most unusual Tourist attraction evolved.  
One of my favorite stops was the Musee d'Orsay.
This museum used to be a train station,
 and it is absolutely beautiful.
If I am not mistaken, this is the station where the book/movie
The Invention of Hugo Cabret was set.

We were fortunate to be there for a Degas exhibit.

We ate very well, and Macarons were definitely on the menu.  

This is the kitchen of the cute apartment that
we stayed in.  The building was built in the
late 1800's and was very comfortable.
We referred to it as "home"
as we ended each day with tired
feet and happy hearts.

These are my very special adventurers.
We had one woman in her 30's, one in her 40's,
one in her 50's, and one in her 60's.
You can guess where we all fall.
However, we don't want to hear your guesses.
We had so much fun being together.

Notre Dame was one of our first stops.
Yes, we climbed to the very top, all 300 plus steps.

Although we missed going up in the Eiffel Tower
because our flight out of Iceland was cancelled (that's
another story entirely), we did get to enjoy it from the ground.
This was our only sunny day of the trip.

On our last night in the City of Lights, we
saw the Eiffel Tower in all it's glory.

We enjoyed MANY Metro rides.

This is the Hall of Mirrors in Versailles.
This was one of my favorite places we visited.
I cannot imagine how crowded it must be in the summer
tourist season.
We enjoyed many delicious meals on our trip.
These are the famous Laduree Macarons.
I just noticed that I have included two
pictures of these delicious treats.
French foods do not disappoint.

A special thanks to Jeana, Lela and Caryllee for
a wonderful adventure that I will not soon


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