Christmas Letter--2015

This is the very unscientific way
that I write our annual Christmas
ABC letter.  #1  I look at all the pictures from the past 12 months 
in my computer photo album. #2  I start picking ones I like, and match
them to letters of the alphabet.  #3  I get all the letters filled in
and realize that I have only gotten to March and almost
all the pictures are of grandchildren.
Oh, well, welcome to our very happy world.
And forgive us if we have left out
an important occasion that included you.

A is for ALL about Family.
Thank you Lance White for taking
this four generation picture when
we were visiting Houston.

 B is for BUSY.
Cora is one busy little girl
and has no trouble at all
keeping up with her brother and cousins.
 C is for CHURCH.
The ladies of our church had
a wonderful retreat at
Glen Eyre Castle.
Thank you Ashley and Jeana for all
your work and planning.
 D is for DISNEYLAND and of course
for Ducca.  We had a great time
visiting the California family and
being with the young Gibson family.
 E is for EXPLORING.
Caleb and Aaron loved exploring 
the tide pools of the Pacific Ocean
while in California.
 F is for FAMILY.
I don't have pictures of all my extended
family but I love the way that
we stay in touch even
though we live miles apart.
These twins fill my heart with joy!
I am convinced that God gives
us the gift of grandchildren as we
get older as a huge blessing that
keeps our hearts young.
 H is for HOLY BIBLE.  
I think this little Bible was a 
gift to the kids from Sweetie.  
I am so thankful that our children
are keeping God at the center of their
children's lives.  
 I is for INTERESTED in Books.
Caleb cannot even put his book down
as he walks into school.  
Notice the nice background
of his walk into school.
 J is for JOY!  
This little girl adds so much
joy to all of our lives.  
Being the only granddaughter
makes her just a little special.
 K is for KEEPING in Touch.
I loved getting to travel to Ft.
Collins to see one of my former
students star in the play
Joseph and the Starcatcher.
 L is for LAUGHTER.
Can't imagine the world without it.
 M is for MANY Nana Camps this year.
I loved sharing those camps with
my grandchildren and adopted grandchildren.
the Arthurs.  We hated when they moved
to Denver this summer but are happy
that we are staying in touch.
 N is for NEPHEWS and great NEPHEWS!
These are just 4 of the many
that David and I are blessed with.
We have pretty special NIECES 
and great-Nieces too.
 O is for ONLY at a Lego store.
Legos are a huge part of our life
as grandparents of boys.  Loved
seeing huge creations when we were
at the Lego store in California.
 P is for PROUD!
Proud that our grandsons
are such good protectors of
their sister and cousin, Cora.
 Q is for QUITE the little Camera Hog!
She learned the word Cheese!  very early.  
 R is for READING!
All our grandchildren love to read!
 S is for SNOW!
It can be a pain at times
but it sure is beautiful!
 T is for TROUBLE!
Like when the boys block the
door so their parents
won't tell them it is time to 
leave Nana and Ducca's house.
 U is for UNDERWEAR!
You will often see our grandchildren
 in pictures in their underwear.
Yes, it is cold here!
Yes, they still like to run
around in their underwear.
Here Aunt Mandy is making
button shirts for all the cousins.
 V is for the VALLEY as it is called
in Texas.  I got to start 2015 in the Valley
of Texas working as an Educational
Consultant for one of the Valley's
school districts.  It was fun to visit
a warm location that I had never been before.
 W is for WHAT Great Shirts!
The cousins loved making
eyeball shirts with Aunt Mandy.
 X is for eXTRA attention!
Aunt Terry enjoyed reading
to David on a trip to Houston.
 Y is for YES! I actually
got a picture of Adrian this year.
If you don't get this, you'll have to
check my Christmas letter from 2014.
 Z is always the end!
At the end of this year, Kelly and I
enjoyed a wonderful Holiday Brunch together.
David and I pray that you have been blessed this year.
We hope you enjoy the holidays
and a wonderful year in 2016.

Merry Christmas
& Happy New Year!


Anonymous said…
I always love hearing about your sweet family. We love you all very much.
Laura said…
Precious times. Great year!
Kimmie said…
What a wonderful and blessed year! Thanks for sharing through pictures and many times in person! Love you!
Teresa said…
Very nice letter for the year! (Pun unintended!) Wishing you abundant Christmas blessings with your sweet family! Much love! Wes and Teresa Dodd!
Anonymous said…
Love the letter - especially X!
Miss G said…
Fun review! love you, Kel

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