Labor Day Balloon Festival

As some of you might have
heard, we had to cancel
our trip to Oregon for
my nephew's wedding
and for our annual sibling trip
because my sweet husband
had another kidney stone surgery last week.
As you can imagine, I was just a little
bit sad about being home
while my family was celebrating.
Jeremy knows how much I love the
Labor Day Balloon
lift off in our town, so he
and Caleb and Aaron
picked me up at 6:30 a.m.
on Sunday morning.

Unfortunately, Mandy
was working and
David was recuperating.
We parked in our traditional
spot across the lake and
enjoyed the sights.
My friend Brenda Brizendine
got a terrific picture
of a balloon and its
reflection in the lake.
That's what I was
going for in this picture.
  Mine doesn't compare to hers.
No, this little girl is not
part of our party, but
our grandchildren make
friends wherever they go.

Darth Vadar was a huge hit
with the boys.

Yoda was also impressive.
The Mardi Gras clown was neat.
Balloons, balloons EVERYWHERE!
Lucky Shamrock

You can just see the big
shoe being inflated.
...and it's up!

A big part of the excitement
is chasing the balloons
to see them land.
Heading down!

And it's down.
This one actually lifted off

Those baskets are pretty little.
The mountains aren't
a shabby backdrop.
The sign in the foreground
gives you an idea of how
low the balloon was getting.
Thank you Jeremy, Caleb and Aaron
for distracting Nana.

We also ate at Amy's donuts
and I got to go to church
with my guys.

It turned out to be a very
good day.


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