Harding Swing #1 and #2

For our 10th Wedding Anniversary,
my sweet husband commissioned a man
at our church to build me a Harding Swing.

For many years it had a place of honor
in the front yard of our home in Houston, Texas
where we lived for 25 years.
Many events were commemorated in
that swing, from birthday parties to engagements.

We teased that we told our children
they could attend any Christian University of their
choice, but then we placed a Harding swing
right outside their window to help them
make their decision.
They both graduated from Harding.

Most of the pictures from those days
are in physical picture albums so they do not
appear in this post.

Several Harding grads from our church
"borrowed" our swing to be a part
to their wedding receptions.

When we moved about 5 miles away
to Friendswood, Texas, the Harding swing
made the trip as well,
and then it began to host grandchildren and new
in-law children.

So many wonderful occasions 
were documented
in our Harding swing.

Six years ago, we decided to make the move to
Colorado Springs, Colorado
to be close to our children and grandchildren.
We made the hard decision that the swing was too
heavy to transport that long distance.

My brother and his wife had both
attended Harding, so they became the proud
owners of the Harding swing.

Imagine my surprise when I returned from
a business trip and found this wonderful
surprise in my backyard.
My sweet son, Jeremy, had
made me another Harding
swing for my birthday.

The swing once again enjoys
children and grandchildren.

The only difference is that now
it often rests in a blanket of snow.  


Miss G said…
What a fun post!!!

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