NYC Sibling Trip #4--Guilty Pleasures

I must admit that we did a few
non-cultural things while in
Showing the power of Social Media,
Lynn and Terry had posted
something about being in NYC
and a friend contacted them, told
them they were in town as well,
and had extra tickets to a
Broadway show.

While they were on the cultural
side of town, the rest of us
visited Madam Touseaud's Wax Museum.
I had never been to one before,
and if we hadn't bought the
NYC Pass and been able to
get in free, we might not have gone.
But it was actually a lot of fun!

See if you can guess some of the
famous people we hobnobbed with.

Some of the "people"
were amazingly life-like.

I think Queen Elizabeth was the most
realistic looking of all.
Every time I caught a glimpse of her
out of the corner of my eye,
I did a double take.  

This one if for you Sweetie.
Terry's favorite singing group
Superman #1 and #2

A fun night out on the town!


Unknown said…
What does it say about me that I automatically thought from the title that this post was going to be about food?

Looks like lots of fun! Kelly

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