Nana's Summer Day Camp 2014--Art Camp

Everything is ready for the second day of
Nana's Summer Day Camp 2014.
We are going to do art projects at this camp.
This is Cora's first Day Camp.
She loved it.  She loves being
with all the "big" cousins.

The first project was coloring on a shower
curtain with permanent markers.
Not the greatest success.  I bought
a shower curtain at Dollar Tree,
and I got what I paid for.  It was very thin
and flimsy.  But they had fun with the process.  
Cora loves coloring.  
I can remember making crafts from
popcicle sticks when I was a kid.
I think my mom saved REAL popsicle sticks
for this.  Now you can buy them in bulk
at Dollar Tree and even in pretty colors.
This purchase was much better than
the shower curtain.
I wish I had taken pictures
of the finished products.
Caleb and AK made very
impressive towers.  They
called them the Twin Towers.
Sweet Aaron made
a special popsicle stick
airplane for his cousin
David in David's favorite
Anna Kate, our next door neighbor,
was part of the fun again.  Love that girl!

David made a cross.
I love hearing my grandchildren
so easily talking about God and Jesus
as they work and play.
Their parents are doing a great job of following
the Biblical example in Deuteronomy 6:
These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts.Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. (

During a break from the artistic
endeavors, Cora found the stove.
Oh, dear!
We started our Summer Reading Chain.
Click here for Pinterest Directions.  
As you might imagine, Nana has quite a collection
of children's books.  Each time the grandchildren
are at our home this summer, we will
add a link to their chain for each
book that we read together.
When they get to 15 books, they
get to choose a book to take home for their
very own.  
We also made Lego Soap.
Click here for Pinterest directions.

This activity was lots of fun and hopefully
will make bath time an adventure.

The Melted Crayon rocks were a hit.
Click here for Pinterest directions.  

Colorado has a plethora of rocks, so
rock activities are always a hit.
The rocks were very hot,
so it was tricky to work with
the crayons and keep little
fingers from getting burned.
Thank goodness, Gannon, Anna Kate's
big brother came over to help me out.  He
assisted with the HOT rocks and with
removing the lego soaps from
the ice cube trays.

Thank you, Gannon.
You are welcome at Nana
Camp anytime.


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