Christmas with Santa 2013

Our church has a
Breakfast with Santa each year.
This year all three of our
grandsons went with us.
Only Little Miss Cora
was left behind.
We hope next year she will
be big enough to join us.
Aaron with Santa
He told Santa he wanted a new
blanket because one of his
is lost.
Caleb asked Santa for a Lego Set.
Doesn't he look so big?
David decided that he really
didn't want to sit on Santa's lap at all.
No amount of encouraging
could make him
change his mind.
He was, however, quite
taken with Mrs. Claus.
She even gave him a "real" snowflake
straight from the North Pole.
Caleb and Aaron were
a little concerned that
he had not told Santa what
he wanted for Christmas,
but we assured them that
Santa would find out another way.
Family portraits were the order
of the day.
Love, love, all 4 of these
handsome guys!
even when they are acting just
a little crazy!

Thanks to Lela Elliott and Teri Armes
for the photos.


Miss G said…
Oh this is too fun! I love the family portraits! Fun how similar David and Ducca's shirts are without even planning it. The props are really cute in the photo! Kelly
Lynn Leaming said…
Love the next to last picture of all of you! Turned out great! How blessed you are to be all in one place!

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