Prayer for 2013

Aaron praying on Christmas Eve
photo by Mandy

Our prayer for you for 2013 is--

The Lord bless you and keep you;
The Lord make His face shine upon you,
And be gracious to you;
The Lord lift his countenance upon you,
And give you peace.

Numbers 6:24-26

I am reading a book that is
Transforming Prayer:
How Everything Changes
When You Seek God's Face

by Daniel Henderson

Henderson's premise is that we
often seek God's hand (to help us,
to help our loved ones)
but we don't often seek His face
(to get to know Him more intimately).

As I strive to seek His face
in 2013, I will also be seeking
His hand.  I would be honored
to add your needs to my prayer
list.  You can send me a private
message through FaceBook
or e-mail me if you would like
me to be praying for you.

May God Bless You
in 2013.


Lynn Leaming said…
The picture of the little boy praying is priceless!! Thank you for being a faithful prayer warrior. I am praying that your health continues to improve and remains cancer free in 2013. So thankful that it was God's plan to let us be together in ministry and friendship!
Love the theme of the book you are reading--share more with us when you can...

Happy New Year to you and family--hope to see you soon!

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