Merry Christmas--2012

My custom for the past few
years has been to create
a Christmas ABC post
for our annual Christmas "letter".
This year, I decided to go into the 
picture archives and just
randomly pull some of
my favorite Christmas pictures 
and memories.  I decided that
since the Christmas ABC's
had 26 pictures representing
the 26 letters, I could not exceed that number.
This post is picture intensive.  I 
have learned that creating a blog
is as much for the writer and for the
reader.  So, if you choose to not look
at all the photos, I will never know,
and will certainly not be offended.
If you stop here, just know
that David and I wish you a 


For the brave among you, read on.

Our first Christmas with a grandchild. 
It's hard to believe that this
little guy is almost 6
and is in Kindergarten.
I bought this Santa at Tease Me Hair Salon.
I love taking it out every year.
For many years, I had a Christmas tree forest.
It is one of the few things I regret
"weeding out" when we moved.
David taught the young adult class
at Southeast Church of Christ for
many years and we hosted an annual
brunch for "our" kids.
Miss those sweet faces.
Our stocking selection has grown as
we have added more grandchildren.
Mandy and Jeremy.  A favorite shot. 
Classic Kelly.  Love this photo.
Much like Poppy used to do to Jeremy,
Aunt Kelly has stolen Caleb's special blanket.
I love baking with my 3 little guys.
Our first Christmas in Colorado at our townhouse.  
You have to wash your hands before you start the
Christmas baking.
What a fun Christmas all four
of our kids were expectantly
waiting for their two little guys.
It's hard to believe they are 2 1/2
years old now.
A favorite "self-timed" Christmas photo.
Yes, that's Caleb talking to Elmo.
Now his brother loves Elmo and he's into
Super Heroes.
Sweetie and Poppy would always
go from house to house to their
4 children on Christmas Day.  What
fun memories!
Last Christmas, we visited Harding for
our nephew Ryan's wedding to
his sweet bride Caitlin.  
These 3 little guys truly love each other.
I can't wait to see how they
will react to the little girl
Kelly and Adrian are expecting in April.
We had our Christmas on December 1st this year.
What a lot of fun!!!
This creation, made by Caleb and Aaron will
certainly become a Christmas heirloom.  
See the Santa in Aaron's hand?
It cost Nana $1 at the Dollar store
and was his favorite present.
I didn't get a photo of this,
but wish you could have seen David
chowing down on all the
goodies in his stocking.
He had a field day!
If you have made it this far,
you know that David and I count it
all joy to have such a precious family
close to us here in Colorado Springs.

We pray for you
JOY as you enjoy
this special season of the year.  


Miss G said…
Merry Christmas! Love you. Kelly
We miss the Christmas brunch at your house, too. Said to know the Christmas forest is gone-it was so unique. Happy Holidays to you and Dave!
Mindy S. said…
My very favorite picture is the one of the three boys hugging in their striped pajamas! So sweet!
Missing all of you this Christmas, but I know you will be having a wonderful time being all together in Colorado.

Merry Christmas to you and Dave!
Anonymous said…
It was a joy seeing pics of your family, Karen. The one amazing thing to me is how much you and your mother look alike. I never knew that until I saw the pic of Bill and Jodeen and then you and David. All our best from our family to yours. ==Ella Cliver
Amy said…
Thank you for the beautiful Christmas blessings and sharing your Christmas memories with us.

Love y'all!!

Amy said…
Merry Christmas!!
Unknown said…
What a blessed and precious family to all who know you! Merry Christmas from~ Bobby, Vicky, Emily, Wade & Seth Crews

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