Sunflowers for Donna P.

This post is especially for my friend
Donna P. who reads my blog
and who loves sunflowers.

Last summer I planted giant sunflower seeds
in my back flowerbed.
This year I forgot, but one came
up anyway.  My Grandma Aven
called that "coming up volunteer."
I like to think of it as one of
God's many surprises.

The bloom is huge,
beautiful, and amazing.

This little beauty grew
from a sunflower seed
that was meant to feed a bird
who visits my birdfeeder.
Instead the bird dropped the seed
and it grew.

Donna, I love sunflowers too.


Anonymous said…
Karen, you just made my day. I wish I could come see them in person; but I love the pictures, too. Seeing sunflowers never gets old to me.~donna p.
33What a great surprise! Bet the kids love watching it grow!

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