A Walk in God's Beauty

Kelly suggested that we walk together
once a week.  The other days of the
week we are on our own.
 Today we decided to walk in the beautiful
Garden of the Gods,
one of my favorite spots in our
beautiful city.
The time sure passes quickly when you
have this beauty to look at
and good conversation to enjoy.

Little David is a good sport especially
when he can eat his breakfast while
"walking".  This morning he
had more plum on him than in him.

Loved this little path beside the trail.

This was the sign by the path.
No problem!!!  We will certainly stay
on the sidewalk.

Look at that sky and the beautiful
red rocks.

This little fellow was enjoying basking
in the sun.

Kissing Camels rock formation
Can you see them?


What a beautiful place to walk! love your new shoes too!

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