Health Update--October 3, 2011

Caleb bought Nana these Sunflowers!
Aren't they beautiful?
This is an exciting week for me because my
LAST chemotherapy session is scheduled
for this Wednesday, October 5th.
To say I am excited is an understatement.
I also had good news from my cardiologist.
In both an EKG and an Echo, my heart looks
healthy. The high heart rate that I have been experiencing
since I began chemo is either being caused by chemo
or possibly by a thyroid issue (I will have a test
for thyroid problems on Wednesday.) The good
news, though, is that I have a healthy heart.
Many people have asked what comes next in
my treatment. In November, I will start
radiation treatments. I will have
treatments 5 days a week for 6 weeks.
I don't want to sound naive, but
most people who have experienced both
say that radiation is much easier
than chemo.
I want to thank each of you who is reading
this update. I have received
SO much support in every way
imaginable during this journey.
I thank God for you!