
These flowers came from my mom when
she was visiting!
Aren't they beautiful?
I tease Matt, our worship minister,
telling him that he "knows" the exact songs I
need, so he leads them just for me.

Last Sunday he led "Still".
I hope the lyrics bless you as much as they bless me.

Hide me now
Under Your wings
Cover me
Within Your mighty hand

When the oceans rise and thunders roar
I will soar with You above the storm
Father you are King over the flood
I will be still and know You are God

Find rest my soul
In Christ alone
Know His power
In quietness and trust

When the oceans rise and thunders roar
I will soar with You above the storm
Father You are king over the flood
I will be still and know You are God

[ Lyrics from: ]


I've always loved that song--it means different things to you at various points in your life, and I'm sure it holds special meaning to you right now.
Lynn Leaming said…
I have always loved the way that God speaks to me through various songs and He always gives me just the perfect one at special times. I love this song too! Just wish I could learn that being still lesson a little better :-) Your strength in the midst of this storm is such a great testimony of faith in the flesh. Love you!

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