A Play Date with Aaron

When you are the "little" brother,
you don't get a lot of alone time with
Nana and Ducca.
Today, we invited Aaron over for a play date
without his big brother.
Sweet Caleb was fine with that and went off
happily with his dad for some male bonding.
The first thing you have to do at Nana's is eat!
Then we headed down the stairs to the
grandchildren room to play.
This wagon is really cool, Nana.
The best way to play at the train table
is to climb in the drawer with all the toys.
Hi, Mama Duck!
I can say "bear" Nana.
This is a bear that was made for
Kelly and Jeremy
by Aaron's great-great Grandma
Bergeron many years ago.
This helicopter is really cool.
Getting in the wagon is even more fun than pulling it.
I am a smart boy and very good with puzzles.
And I love to read!
"Tupperware" makes the greatest toy.
But the best thing of all is to head down the
hallway to Ducca's office. I knock on the door
if Ducca is working and he stops to play with me.
Brooms are my latest obsession!
Clifford, Nana and I decided we would play outside
since it was such a pretty day.
Hey, guys, having Nana and Ducca all to myself
is the greatest, but I sure was
excited to see my dad and big brother when they
came to get me.


Allison said…
Such a sweet boy! Ryan and I enjoyed this post together and we decided that Aaron's posture, mannerisms, and smiling eyes remind us a whole lot of one of Ryan's former roommates that we love so dearly...
Miss G said…
That is SUCH a cute kid! :) Kelly
Laura said…
Sweet boy! Glad you got some one on one time. =]
Heather Ramirez said…
He is so cute Karen! I know you are loving getting to spend so much time with them!
So glad you gave us all these cute shots of sweet Aaron. He is sure growing up fast--someday I'd love to meet him and see that cute little smile for myself.

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