Comfort Books

Book Cover Courtesy of TitleWave

I love to read and thought that while I
was convalescing from surgery, that
would be a great way to pass the time.
You should see the stack of books that
I have checked out of the library and that
friends have loaned me.

When it took me 2 and a half weeks
to complete one of the newest books
of one of my favorite authors, I knew
I was in trouble. Reading
was not doing the trick.
(Of course that could have been because
I was sleeping about 20 hours a day.)

It was then that I decided that maybe there is
a connection between "comfort food", that food we
need to comfort us when we are hurting, and "comfort books."
So I got out my torn and tattered copy
of Christy by Catherine Marshall.

I cannot count the number of times I have read this book but it fills
my heart with joy and strengthens my faith each time I read it.

Here is a portion of the quote from the back cover:
"At nineteen, Christy Huddleston left home to teach school in he
Smokies--coming to know and care for the wild mountain
people, with their fierce pride, terrible poverty,
dark superstitions...and their yearning for
beauty and truth. But in these primitive surroundings, Christy's faith would
be severely tested....."

If you have never read this wonderful book, make it a summer read.
If you have read it before, or perhaps watched the television
series based on the book that was out several years ago,
read it again.
You will be glad you did.
Happy Summer Reading!


Oooh, it's been a long time since I read Christy, but I do remember adoring that book. Sometimes it's just relaxing to visit old book friends that you've known for years.

Happy Reading!
Miss G said…
Such a good book. Who dug it out for you by the way? ;) Just kidding. love you, Kelly

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