Great Caleb Quotes

Photo by Mandy Gibson

When our grandson, Caleb, spends the day with us,
we can always count on some great quotes.
Here are the quotes from today.

Quote #1
I was reading Caleb a Super Hero (of course)
book that he brought to our house.
At the end of a particularly exciting page,
he said, "Nana, that's an exclamation mark--
you're supposed to read it like this..."
Then he proceeded to "read" the line in his
most excited voice.
I thought I knew something about Reading--after all
I teach about it at two universities, but
a three and a half year old set me straight today!

Quote #2
As many of you know, Caleb loves to wear
his Super Hero pajamas all the time.
Today he had on his Batman PJ's.
During the afternoon, I noticed that
his underpants were not on his body,
but in the bathroom on the floor.
Nana: Caleb, did you have an accident?
Caleb: No.
Nana: Did you get your pants wet?
Caleb No.
Nana: Did you get your pants dirty?
Caleb: No.
And then matter-of-factly he stated,
"I just wanted to go commando."

When I reported these conversations to his mama at the end of the day,
Mandy said, "He learns exclamation marks from me. The other
stuff, his daddy teaches him."


That's hilarious! At least he's getting a well-rounded perspective!

Happy Thanksgiving,
Miss G said…
These are hilarious! I love it! Kelly

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