Stop and Smell the School Supplies!!

Always have been, always will be!
You can ask my brothers and sisters who were tortured into playing school
with me when I was just a little girl.

One of the things I miss most about teaching children is getting
to "smell" the school supplies.
You read that right--smell them.
There is just something that says "School is starting soon" when
you walk down the aisles of Target and smell the school supplies.

So today I indulged myself.
I walked the Target aisles and took a big whiff.
And then, I found these 3 delightful binders and bought them.
What am I going to do with them you ask?
Why recipe files of course!
Guess that means I have to COOK!
Oh, well, it will be worth it to have cute school supplies in my kitchen year round to
look at--or to smell!!

Happy Start of the 2010-2011 School Year!


Miss G said…

"I'd send you a bouquet of sharpened pencils if I knew your name and address."

Speaking of recipes, if you have your mac and cheese recipe saved electronically will you send it to me. My friend Holly would like it. Thanks! Kelly
curlycue81 said…
I am not a teacher, but love to go into the stores when school is starting back. I am not sure about the new school supply smell...but I love the whole back to college smell. It is so sad that part of my life has passed. I guess Janet better hurry and go off to college so I can go shopping with her.
Allison said…
I agree! And what a great idea for your new binders!! I think I should do some school shopping myself...
Jon Aven said…
I need to get Bethany some cute binders. Maybe then she'll have a reason to cook as well! :) jk
Deborah said…
I totally agree!! I got to take Joshua to get his fourth-grade school supplies last week, and I know I loved it more than he did. I was almost giddy...okay, I WAS giddy!

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