Colorado Visitors

A couple of weeks ago, we had a delightful visit from my brother Terry and his wife Gail, and my sister Kim and her husband Randy. WARNING! This post contains many, many photos, but we were all taking pictures and it was just too hard to choose. If it makes you feel any better, I probably did NOT include about 200 or more pictueres.
Caleb and his dad and Ducca enjoying a burro ride at the Royal Gorge.
Terry and me taking a break at the Garden of the Gods hike.
Garden of the Gods

Aaron enjoyed the Royal Gorge, but most of all his lunch.
You notice that David didn't pose with the Texas flag on the Royal Gorge Bridge.
Each state had a flag.

Everyone stayed at the Gibson hotel, but we strolled the beautiful grounds of the Broadmoor.
The weather was gorgeous except for the first day when it was a little chilly.
Can you tell we liked the Garden of the Gods? We went twice.

Obviously Terry and Kim are stronger than their big sister.
Cripple Creak was very interesting and a beautiful drive.
If you want to see any more pictures, just ask any of us.
We'd be happy to share.


Looks like you guys had a great time. You've been blessed with a lot of company this year--makes the transition easier, I find.

Loved all the photos,
Miss G said…
Very fun. I'd like to see more pics. Love kelly
Cristen said…
Good photos Karen! Looks like the weather was perfect for their trip. Love ya'll!
emily said…
Doctor!!! Looks like you know how to show people a good time ;) Way to hit the hot spots!! I'm glad you got a porch, your picturesque rockers & even the mini one!! How great! Hopefully I'll get to come see you in August when the Rolletts are in town!!!

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