Love Present

My mom has a tradition that she has passed along to me.
The tradition is called "Love Presents".
Love presents are those gifts you buy for no special occasion, but just because they scream out,
"This gift would be PERFECT FOR (fill in the blank with a person's name)"
Well today I was in Anthropologie and this book said, "Please buy me for Debi."
If you want to know how much Debi loves Macaroons, just check out her recent blog post.
While you are there, you will probably want to spend hours reading her very creative and informative blog.
Debi, I hope you don't already own this book. I don't know exactly when I will get it to you since you spend part of your days in London and I spend most of my days in Colorado, but hopefully, we will meet in Houston this summer and I can give you this "Love Present."
Love you, my friend.

Just to whet everyone's appetites, the picture below comes from the


Miam, miam is how the French say Yum, yum! I can not wait to see this book--it will only enhance my love for these little treats. I'm so excited--you are so dear and I can't wait to see you. When I know our schedules will connect, I will try to bring you some fresh ones from the London Ladurée as a treat.

Cristen Kirksey said…
How perfect! This book was written for Debi!

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