Smiling Baby Boy

I know that some people say that when babies smile,
it is gas, but I respectfully beg to differ.
I like Aaron's other grandmother, AnnMa's,
theory. They are feeling angel kisses.

If you tire easily of baby photos,
you might not want to check in on
my blog for the next month or so.
April is a big month in our home,
and our cups are truly running over with joy.
And we still have one grandbaby yet to arrive.
Hurry up, Little One.


Look at him smiling already--must know he's part of a happy family.
Supermom said…
These are just too sweet!
Gail said…
So sweet.
Miss G said…
I can't believe I missed this post! These photos are GREAT!!! I love that smile! Great blanket too. Kelly

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