It's the Little Things

I'll admit, it doesn't take much to make me happy.
Take a look at this neat little casserole dish.
Has that antique look about it, doesn't it?
I love the ridged sides, the recessed handle on the top.
Can you guess where I found this little treasure?
Can't wait to see what it looks like filled with Lasagna!

I hope you have a "little thing" in your life today that gives you joy.


I'm not a frequent Wal-Mart shopper, which is all the more reason that I'm always surprised at some of the treasures you can find there if you go in without an agenda and just explore.

Love the dish,
Miss G said…
no way! really cool! love you! kel
my mother in law bought me an entire set of those,
and i love them, too!

for by His hand, He leadeth me, too.

love all those old hymns!
Adrian said…
I can't wait to see what it will TASTE like full of lasagna!

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