2014 Birthdays Outing

David and I have birthdays with just one day in between so we usually celebrate our birthdays together. It all started this morning with this card. "I wanted to give you a Bear Hug for your Birthday? Big Bear birthday hugs coming your way as soon as I find a corporative bear." We had breakfast at Over Easy , a breakfast spot that everyone is raving about. David had biscuits, gravy and hash browns and I had Quinioa and fruit. I was trying to be healthy and it was good, but next time I'll have the French Toast. Our next spot was the Will Rogers Sun Shrine . We had heard that there was beautiful scenery at the shrine. Penrose built the shrine. He is one of the important early founders of Colorado Springs. Murals inside the shrine. A view of the ceiling. These were all painted in the 30's and are still vibrant. The almost birthday boy. Part of the mural depicted the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo where we...